Thursday, April 25, 2013


We're off on the class sleepover for a year, one night in cabins in the woods to get a taste of each other and the natural world. I've heard so many things about the trip: You'll be bored. Best time of my life. Interesting things will happen. But despite the varied opinion, I have my own cringing worries. The last time I went on a class sleepover, my cabin was composed of me, my best friends, and a couple of popular people who didn't fit in the same cabin with their friends. The good thing: There are no awful cliquish people in my class. The bad thing: I can't stay isolated to one class out of nine forever. Eventually I'll have to venture away from my comfort zone and see the world - or at least the other end of the grade hallway.


  1. The world is your oyster, or your clam, or your goat cheese, or something. Joy will be yours, and sorrow, love and friendship too.

  2. the thing is, i don't think (from my knowledge of you) that your comfort zone will be that hard to break out of. i've known you to be very adventurous.
